I am a graduate student at the University of Toronto researching efficient machine learning applied to computer vision and natural language processing. Currently at Google building multi-modal machine learning models.
[Jul. 2024] Excited to announce two papers at ECCV 2024 this year!
[Jun. 2024] I was awarded the Vector Scholarship in AI & the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Graduate Scholarships
[Jun. 2024] Delivered an oral presentation for my paper on dataset distillation at CVPR-DD 2024.
[Jan. 2024] My paper on efficient model compression for transformers is accepted to ICLR 2024.
[Dec. 2023] My paper on efficient probabilistic contrastive learning is accepted to ICASSP 2024.
[Jul. 2023] My paper on dataset distillation is accepted to ICCV 2023.
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